Hello world!

I graduated in 2020 with a Bachelor's of Science (CS major) from the University of British Columbia. My interests include computer graphics, security, and machine learning. I like to understand how systems work as a whole, from backend to frontend and how they are tied together - otherwise I feel unsatisfied with doing something blindly. Aside from academics, I love to play badminton, video games, watch anime, and program some projects to help out my church or my own interests.


Work Experience

  • Present
    Sept 2020

    Software Engineer


    Part of the Passwordless Platform team.

  • Aug 2019
    May 2019

    Software Engineer Intern


    Investigated and documented multiple methods to improve Windows’ Dynamic Lock feature. Learned kernel debugging and implemented new user experience when using Dynamic Lock.

  • Aug 2018
    May 2018

    Garage Developer Intern


    Built a UWP application from scratch while following MVVM principles in a team of 6. Assessed security risks through threat modelling and data flow diagrams. Learned about and added basic telemetry hooks.

  • Dec 2017
    May 2017

    Junior Software Engineer - Apps Team

    Tasktop Technologies

    Investigate and fix a range of defects in UI and/or backend server code. Discuss design choices and make decisions based on thorough testing and analysis of existing codebase and future needs. Write Selenium integration tests, Karma/Jasmine and JUnit unit tests.

  • Apr 2017
    Sep 2016

    Revamped support portal with Knockout.js for single-page web app functionality that provides a more streamlined user experience. Received praise from several Health/Reseach boards of the benefits of new system.

  • Apr 2017
    May 2016

    CS Teaching Assistant

    University of British Columbia

    Administer two labs of about 30 students each, assist them with lab and answer questions. Grade programming problem sets following a rubric. Supervise forum, attending weekly meetings, and do lab preparation.


Volunteer Experience

  • Dec 2017
    Nov 2016

    Backend Web Developer


    Plan, create, and maintain website using Ruby on Rails hosted on Heroku. Engage and contribute to organizational and technical discussion during biweekly meetings.

  • Feb 2016
    Nov 2015

    HTML Workshop Czar


    Led team of 10 to review and plan presentation and activity. Coordinated between group members and event leaders. Directed meetings and day-of HTML workshop with ~60 highschool girls.
